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Did you know that if your audiovisual product is not accessible, it is not reaching everyone? However, if you guarantee its accessibility, you will make possible the integration of people with hearing or visual disabilities.

In MF Traducciones we make your product accessible, and we offer two services for this: subtitling for the deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) and audio description.

Subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing (SDH)

Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) is not only subtitling dialogues but also adding details relevant to the plot, such as sound effects, the tone of the voice, music or songs that are played, etc.

All this must be done in compliance with a series of rules that guarantee the correct reading and understanding of the subtitles. For this reason, in MF Traducciones we follow the UNE 153010:201 standard and we have the training and experience for accomplishing these tasks.



Any audiovisual product! Movies, series, documentaries, commercials, corporate videos, videos for learning platforms, etc.

Audio description

Audio description is useful as a support tool for people with visual disabilities. It consists of narrating in the most detailed way all the visual details of the work. In the pauses of dialogue and relevant sounds, the narrator will detail everything that can be seen on screen, so that the receiver does not miss any detail.

The standard that regulates audio description and that we use in MF Traducciones is UNE 153020:2005.

In MF Traducciones we write the audio description. If you also want the narration, we have a bank of voices so you can choose the most suitable one for your project.



You can make an audio description of audiovisual products such as movies, series, documentaries, advertisements, and any kind of video. You can also make audio descriptions of plays, operas, musicals, paintings, sculptures, works of art...

Do you want to collaborate with us?

Thank you!
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