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Audiovisual translation

In MF Traducciones we can make translation for dubbing, voice-over, subtitling and adaptation for dubbing.

Translation for dubbing

The result of the translation for dubbing is a script that will be narrated by dubbing actors. It is done in audiovisual products with which it is intended to make a total adaptation: not only linguistic but also cultural (adaptation of jokes, puns, expressions, cultural references...)

After the translation for dubbing, it is adapted for dubbing.

  • What is translated for dubbing?

Translation for dubbing is generally done in films, series, and some commercials and corporate videos. The rest of the audiovisual products usually opt for other techniques.

Translation for voice-over

In translations for voice-over, the final product will generally be a documentary or a television program, whose voice-over in the target language is superimposed without eliminating the original voice. Linguistic and cultural adaptation in translation will be the made as in translation for dubbing, but lip-sync will not be necessary.

  • What is translated for voice-over?

Usually, audiovisual works such as documentaries, reports, interviews, and reality shows are translated for voice-over.

Translation for subtitling

The translation for subtitling preserves the audiovisual product in the original language and includes the translated subtitles.

There are numerous subtitling protocols, depending on the destination of the audiovisual work. In MF Traducciones we know the most common protocols, and we can apply them, including those of the most frequent streaming platforms. In addition, we can adapt the subtitles to any demand and change that may arise.

To make the subtitles, we have different software programs, and we are also used to using each company's programs.

In addition, before the subtitling, we can do the time coding, a separate task that consists of separating the subtitles following some criteria that will guarantee the correct reading of the subtitles.

  • What is translated for subtitling?

Any audiovisual product: movies, series, documentaries, entertainment programs, corporate videos, theatres, operas...

Adaptation for dubbing

Once the translation for dubbing is finished, the adaptation for the dubbing process begins. This consists of matching the translated script with the mouths of the characters so that the dubbing is as inconspicuous as possible.

In addition, we add some notes (ON, OFF, G, etc.) that will be useful for the dubbing actor when doing his job.

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